Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Originally established in 1949, the Material Handling Society is the oldest professional organization of it’s kind in New Jersey.

There are over 300 active members in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut.The Material Handling Society has been recognized as one of the leading professional organizations by New Jersey Business Magazine.

What is the Material Handling Society of New Jersey?
MHSNJ is a non- profit organization dedicated to supporting material handling professionals by providing an educational forum and fostering communication among New Jersey's manufacturing, warehousing, and distribution practitioners. MHSNJ will provide a vehicle through which its members gain a vision of the future regarding material handling principles, practices, systems, and technologies. With this increased awareness and knowledge, MHSNJ members shall be prepared to meet the challenges ahead and contribute to the productivity and efficiency of the organizations that employ them as material handling professionals.

What is Material Handling?
Material handling can be broadly defined as the science and art pertaining to the movement, storage, control, and protection of goods and materials throughout the process of manufacturing, warehousing, and distribution.

What is a typical MHSNJ meeting like?
A typical MHSNJ meeting will start off with a site tour of an interesting material handling operation followed by a dinner meeting with prominent guest speakers. These events are scheduled approximately six (6) times annually and are supplemented by special programs, seminars, and networking functions. It is the goal of the MHSNJ to expose its members to a variety of industries which utilize a broad spectrum of material handling technologies in an effort to expand both personal and professional horizons.

Who should join and why?
Membership in the MHSNJ is open to all individuals involved in the operation of manufacturing, warehousing, or distribution facilities as well as individuals associated with vendor organizations providing material handling equipment, systems, or solutions. As a result the MHSNJ has attracted members from nearly every sector of industry. From automotive and pharmaceuticals leaders to consumer distribution professionals, the MHSNJ's member roster includes individuals representing the area's most prestigious corporations. It is this diversity of experience and knowledge that facilitates the free exchange of ideas and effective interaction among our members.

What are my benefits as a member?
Just a few of the many benefits of joining the MHSNJ are :
  • The MHSNJ Newsletter which details upcoming events.
  • The opportunity to network with other professionals.
  • Site tours of enlightening material handling operations.
  • Prominent guest speakers addressing timely issues.
  • Programs designed to meet the educational demands of technical advancement in the industry.
Is the MHSNJ a good value?
Unlike many national professional organizations and societies, your $ 95.00 annual dues payment does not subsidize a large paid staff. Board members are elected by the membership and executive positions are appointed by the board. None of them are paid for their services, so you get more for your investment with the MHSNJ. The MHSNJ is truly a not-for-profit, volunteer organization.