Friday, January 2, 2009

Message from the President

Dear Members and Friends:

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year. MHSNJ is celebrating of our 60th anniversary in 2009. Since 1949 we have served the supply chain and distribution community of New Jersey. We are the oldest and largest local material handling organization in the country. We are the oldest because of the efforts of the founding members, but we are the largest because of the efforts of our current members. You should be proud of the fact that you make us the best organization of our type by far.

It looks like this will be a “special “ year for all of us with regard to our businesses. As the sales and profit numbers begin to roll in for the 2008 holiday season and fiscal year, they seem to bring only disappointing news. This means companies will have to react accordingly. I am a firm believer that a down economy is a great opportunity to strengthen yourself and your company.

MHSNJ provides you with an opportunity to help strengthen your knowledge by coming out and seeing other operations like we will see this month with newegg. You will see some great applications of automation to help make newegg compete in a very tough electronics market. I think we have to resist the natural urge to hunker down and not waste time away from our day to day business activities. We have to realize that the several hours we take to learn about how others achieve their goals will actually save us time and maybe make us better at what we do.

We are just finalizing the remaining tours and programs for the rest of the year. I think you will really like what we have to offer, and hope you will agree that it will be time well spent. Since we have taken the newsletter to an electronic format we will be in touch with you more often during each month with more helpful information. We started this month with an article about the legal rights of distributors with their relationship with manufacturers. We hope you will find this informative.I look forward to seeing you at the newegg tour.

We especially look forward to Geoff Sisko’s presentation on the 2008 Warehouse Survey at the dinner meeting following the tour.


Dave Lodwig
MHSNJ President